Opening To Tarot

The Tarot embodies symbolical presentations of universal ideas, behind which lie all the implicits of the human mind, and it is in this sense that they contain secret doctrine, which is the realization by the few of truths embedded in the consciousness of all.” -- AE Waite

One of the tools I've been using to explore my inner knowing is the beloved Rider-Waite Tarot. I use it to explore energies, receive insights, work with clients, and plan my material. This workshop is all about learning through playful curiosity, and I think we all need to make more time for that in our lives.

So this workshop is not on reading the tarot (there's plenty of YouTube for that). It's going to be on specific ways of using it to move you and your clients forward in life, suitable for beginners to seasoned readers. If you're just getting started, I'll provide some easy ways to connect with the cards, but drawing on your imagination and intuition is perfectly a-ok and good. There are no wrong ways to go about it, since it's really about talking to your own guides and angels.

It's just $27 for a live three hour workshop, and although we hope you can make all of it, you don't have to. There will be a recording. All registrants can access the recording whether they attended or not.

We're going to do a combo of hot seat and individual work. We're going to have a group invocation and intention setting at the beginning, and then I'll have an array of worksheets you can download to fill out on your own together while the "center stage" stuff is going on. (My brain really enjoys being able to color, write, or draw while I am listening to something else, and I'm thinking you might too.)

When you register, I'll email the handouts ahead of time so that you can print them out.

You can use this workshop to troubleshoot or enhance or grow any part of your creative energy, nurture what's working write your book, email your list - and we'll also TALK to the characters in the cards to get answers to specific questions.

At the end, we're going to have some structured sharing so that we can all get rooted in community. This is going to be beautiful because I truly believe that we are each other's greatest gift.

We don't get messages unless we're open to them, so it's always a joy to open this type of space. It's going to be really fun, and I look forward to seeing you there!



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